Hanbok Culture Experience
Visit to Gwangjang Market
Celebrating Korea ’s New Year
Visit to CJ CheilJedang
Visit to Hanatour
봉사를 희망하는 외국인 유학생과 졸업생, 외교관 및 가족 모두를 환영합니다
Let's find the socially valuable potential of Republic of Korea
If you are passionate, willing to learn new skills and develop your professional profile while living in Korea, apply now!
K-Animation Academy is a forum where animators bring characters to life with a free of cost animation software.
외국인과 함께 세계의 다양한 언어, 문화, 에티켓 체험
오피니언리더 초청 특별강연
"내가 걸어온 길, 앞으로 걸어갈 길"