Social Media Team 2022-2 semester application is closed now.
Thank you all who applied to this program.

Thank you all for your valuable time that you spent for application and interviews. It was my pleasure to meet such great candidates from various parts of the world. Most of your WR was well decorated and almost all of you did very well during interviews so It was pretty challenging to differ between candidates. So we have decided to to extend the number of seats to recruit more candidates.
To all of you who applied to Social Media Team,
I want to Thank you once again
So far I met candidates, all of you did well. Don't be sad if you are not selected.
I hope to see you again on the next recruitment :)
Selected Candidate List : 2022-2 Semester
Sl. | 이름 | 국적 | 팀 |
1 | Atul Kumar Dey | 인도 | Design Team |
2 | Jay Shree | 인도 | Design Team |
3 | Eliza Basharova | 러시아 | Design Team |
4 | Bolormaa Erdenebolor | 몽골 | Content Team |
5 | Ayesha Sarfraz | 파키스탄 | Content Team |
6 | Calixto T. Del Rosario III | 필리핀 | Content Team |
7 | Khadija Naveed | 파키스탄 | Content Team |
8 | Laura María Botero Villegas | 콜롬비아 | Content Team |
9 | Etika Sukma Adiyanti | 인도네시아 | Content Team |
10 | Bakhtawar Iqbal | 파키스탄 | Marketing Team |
11 | Kunzang Dolma | 인도 | Marketing Team |
12 | Juan Camilo Rojas Betancourt | 콜롬비아 | Marketing Team |
Congratulations to all of you.
The orientation for Social Media Team is scheduled on 3rd July at 8 pm KST.
For more information :
©2021, All rights reserved.
Thank you for social media team leader Shariar. I am so happy for selected this program. I will try my best.
Congrats to everyone who got selected! 🖤