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  • Language Fellowship
  • Language Fellowship

한국인과 자유롭게 말하기

한국어를 잘하기 위해서는 원어민과 최대한 많이 말할 수 있는 기회를 가져야 합니다. 

Free Talking 1

글쓰기와 녹음을 활용한 한국어

​수요일 오후 9시~10시

Free Talking

한국어 수다방

​수요일 오후 7:30~8:30


​신문기사를 활용한 한국어 공부

​월요일 오후 7:30~8:30

누구나 쉽게 즐길 수 있는 한국어!

한국어를 잘하기 위해서는 원어민과 최대한 많이 말할 수 있는 기회를 가져야 합니다. 원어민과 친구처럼 자유롭게 이야기하며 한국어 실력을 늘려보세요.

​여러분 모두가 한국에서 즐겁고 유익한 유학생활을 보냈으면 좋겠습니다!

* 한국인과 말하기를 원하는 누구나 신청가능

제목 없는 디자인 (8)_edited.png
제목 없는 디자인 (9)_edited.png

Language Fellowship

It is a platform that encourages "Masters of a language" from all over the world to share their knowledge and experience. Participants will learn about various languages, cultures, etiquette and experience in different projects.

표지 디자인.jpg

Korean Study

We want to create fun activities where teachers and students can interact and make it easier to teach and learn Korean from games, content creation, interviews and other wonderful activities.

English Study

We are a team of international students from all over the world, who are committed to help students to improve their English language skills through this program

Coming soon >>

Social Media

Our group exists to research things about Korean in the name of all the foreign students, so should you have anything you would like to know about Korea, please, do not hesitate to contact us.



We are looking for fun and dedicated students who want to enjoy learning, practicing and improving their Korean with other international students.

Get Involved

We are looking for fun and dedicated students who want to enjoy learning, practicing and improving their Korean with other international students.



Membership registration

Apply now >>

We are looking for fun and dedicated students who want to enjoy learning, practicing and improving their Korean with other international students.

*Month Payment of Club Fee: ₩10,000

Teaching Volunteer

Apply now >>

Do you know any different method to teach Korean language in a lot more easier way? Do you know how to make a class interesting? We would like to hear your ideas and your unique teaching techniques.

Social Media Team

Apply now >>

To create a platform for international students from all over the world, where everyone can develop their knowledge and Korean skill by sharing ideas and helping each other.


TOPIK Study 1

Tuesday 1pm, 2pm

Study guide -



Debate Study 1

Tuesday 7pm

Study guide -

Erdenbolor, Hiep, Baigal

Drama Study 1

Wednesday 4pm

Study guide -

Saron, Shyuan


Debate Study 2

Thursday 7pm

Study guide - 

Erdenbolor, Hiep, Baigal

Ho Thi Kim Hang_edited.jpg

TOPIK Study 2

Saturday 1pm

Study guide -


TOPIK Study 3

Saturday 2pm

Study guide -


Drama Study 2

Sunday 11am

Study guide -

Shyuan, Amruta


Drama Study 2

Sunday 11am

Study guide -

Shyuan, Amruta



Friday 10am

Producer - 




Friday 10am

Event Planer - 


Media Team

International Students


Our Vision is to create a friendly learning and culture exchange environment. We are working to create a friendly teaching and learning environment for all by creating various contents, photography, editing, marketing(Instagram/Facebook etc) platform.

Instagram  -  Youtube  -  Facebook  

Melting Television

Meet The Team

Social media team is a platform where we work with College students and recent graduates focusing on making creative content and promoting those in various countries around the world. We are looking for creative individuals who have good skills in photoshop, video editing, photography, marketing, leadership etc. Let’s make a team together with International Students Embassy and Social Media Team.

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